Letters September 1: Why demolish beautiful buildings?

Leeds planLeeds plan
Leeds plan
Shaun Kavanagh, by emailReading the report ('˜Praise for hotel complex plans', YEP August 24) relating to the potential creation of hotels, offices and leisure complex in Great George Street on the site of the Leonardo and Thoresby buildings, many will ask why demolish such long established, beautiful architecturally designed buildings? All too often we see such architecture destroyed nationally. Why not clean such facades and incorporate the new internal requirements to achieve the best of both worlds? Would Leeds City Council replace the Town and Civic Halls with modern monstrosities?

Leeds faces another decade in the slow lane

ME Wright, Harrogate.

MP Fabian Hamilton makes yet another powerful case for drastic action to improve Leeds’ woefully inadequate public transport (YEP August 21).

He reminds us, once again, that Leeds is the biggest city in Europe without a tram or tube system. At this moment, the city council’s answer is to spend yet more millions on yet more diesel buses.

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We were recently informed that work will soon start on the A61 (Harrogate Road), in the hope of aiding what has been described as a “transformation”. This road was transformed 80 years ago, with the present reservation set to take segregated tram tracks from Moortown Corner to Alwoodley Gates.

Presumably more “experts” have been involved in the latest proposals. Have they devised something which has escaped the whole of mainland Europe – a mass rapid transit system for less than half the price of the conventional rail-based ones? If not, then Leeds and the wider region are condemned to yet another decade of atmospheric and logistical pollution.

Of course cost must be considered, but isn’t the proposed £137m little more than an insult? If Westminster and Whitehall continue to prevaricate and obfuscate, keep reminding them of Crossrail and the rest until the next election.

Nothing was said about ‘deals’

Mr L Brook, Rothwell.

The Brussels power machine continues its plans to take full control of the EU member countries, reducing each one to a single state of the United States of Europe.

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British citizens were given two choices, stay or leave, and nothing was said about ‘deals’.

The instruction was to leave. This meant that all Government officials should have been expected to obey the democratic decision.

Leaving the EU will certainly cause many changes and challenges, but we appear to be afraid to completely leave it. There need be no deal and no further payments, whatever the consequences. I am sad to think that those in power here do not think we can stay independent and have full power to deal with other countries, just like we did before the original Common Market was formed as a trading-only organisation.

Of course, the main EU countries may wish to punish us or make life difficult, since their so-called accountants will have much work to do to make up their financial shortfall following our departure.

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We appear to only recognise a threat of “takeover” if it is by warfare, not false comradeship.

Where true leaders gone?

Joe McHugh, Otley.

It looks like the Brexit saga will never end.

I am beginning to think we, the electorate, dropped a huge clanger in voting to leave the European Union.

The only way out of this dilemma would be for our Prime Minister to decide on a second referendum as quickly as possible.

Using the old adage – if it is not broken, don’t fix it – I hope the electorate would decide on a massive ‘Stay’ vote.

Trump has no class

Brian Sheridan, by email

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Like MK O’Sullivan, I would like to see and hear as little as possible of Donald Trump (YEP August 29).

However, we are talking about the most powerful man on the planet and the YEP is much more than a regional newspaper. It has a duty to report the activities of this dreadful man in all its squalid detail.

The sad passing of Senator John McCain highlights the excesses of the US President. Trump’s well-documented dismissal of McCain’s capture and torture during the Vietnam war – “I like men who don’t get caught” – which coming from an alleged serial draft dodger, was about as crass as you can get. McCain was respected by Republicans and Democrats alike because he had class; something Trump never had.

Bill won’t cut premiums

Brett Dixon, president of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers.

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The problem with the Civil Liability Bill is that it is totally misguided and ill-thought through.

Overwhelming insurance industry evidence shows that personal injury claims are not behind the high cost of motor premiums. The cost of these claims to insurers has fallen dramatically in recent years, while vehicle repair costs and tax have soared.

Any savings for motorists from the Bill will be in exchange for a reduction in the right to redress for injuries, which undermines the whole purpose of compulsory insurance.

Meanwhile, insurance companies will secure hundreds of millions of pounds in additional profits because they won’t have to pay full and fair compensation.

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The Bill also seeks to slash compensation payments for people with the most catastrophic injuries. People with life-changing brain or spinal injuries and their families will not be grateful for a £35 saving on a motor policy when the money for their care and living costs runs out.

If the Government wants to do something useful it should work on an outright ban on calls and texts which encourage dishonest people to make claims for injuries they do not have.

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