The most infuriatingly difficult video games of all time

This week (May 25) sees the release of Dark Souls Remastered, a shiny new high-definition version of one of the finest games ever made - and also one of the most difficult.

To celebrate, we've rounded up nine other video games from throughout history, other than Dark Souls and its sequels, that are renowned for their formidable trickiness; testing wits and reflexes to their limits.

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Prepare to slam down those controllers with rage. Here are the most difficult video games of all time.

Contra (1987)

(Image: Konami)

One of the most beloved run-and-gun action games of the 80s, Contra set a benchmark for difficulty in video games. You played as a member of the Contra unit, sent to destroy the enemy forces of the evil Red Falcon Organization.

Combining platforming and shooting presented a real challenge, and even though Contra spawned the famous 'Konami code', the 30 extra lives it granted were little reprieve from the onslaught.

Punch Out!! (1987)

(Image: Nintendo)

Punch Out!! is the first in Nintendo's series of boxing games. You played as Little Mac, a rookie boxer with a limited moveset (just a left and a right jab) taking on larger than life opponents. Sometimes literally.

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The entire game was a challenge, but the final 'dream' fight - which saw you take on Mike Tyson, then World Heavyweight Champion - has gone down as one of the hardest boss battles of all time.

Battletoads (1991)

(Image: Tradewest/SEGA)

Developed by legendary British studio Rare, Battletoads was a hard-as-nails side-scrolling beat 'em up that saw you embark on a mission to defeat the evil Dark Queen and rescue your kidnapped friends. The game was made difficult by its need for lightning fast reaction speeds and a punishing lack of checkpoints, meaning failure would set you back a great deal.

The infamous Turbo Tunnel remains a source of bragging rights for gamers who are able to make it through the hover-bike section. Get past this third level and you'll elevate yourself above most players.

Takeshi's Challenge (1986)

(Image: Taito Corporation)

Takeshi's Challenge is a thoroughly bizarre video game; often viewed as an example of abusive design developed by someone who loathed the medium. That was Japanese actor and director Takeshi Kitano, and many of his madcap ideas were rejected for being unsuitable for younger audiences.

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